Tracy has more than 20 years of experience in the field of international education, developing and managing programs for universities, government, and non-profit organizations. Tracy has served as the Director of Global Education at Bryn Mawr College since 2020, where her role includes overseeing the College’s study abroad program, international exchange agreements and partnerships, and collaborating on global education strategy for campus. Prior to Bryn Mawr, Tracy created study abroad and international internship programs for undergraduate and graduate students at the University of California Berkeley and The George Washington University. She has also led programming for international high school students and faculty scholars through organizations such as the Japanese Embassy, Fulbright, and Sister City exchange. Tracy holds a B.A. in Foreign Affairs from the University of Virginia, and an M.A. in International Communication from American University’s School of International Service. She studied abroad in Switzerland, Japan, and Russia, and spent three years teaching and leading internationalization efforts for the Board of Education in Mie, Japan.

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